2015年1月10日 星期六

Greatest Minds in Physics Playing Poker

Descent (Star Trek: The Next Generation) Part 1

Hawking: But then I said, "In that frame of reference, Mercury's perihelion would have precessed in the opposite direction!"

Einstein: That’s a great story! (笑的合不攏嘴...)

Data: Quite amusing, Dr Hawking. Sir Isaac, the joke depends on an understanding of the curvature of space-time. If two non-inertial reference frames are...

Newton: Do not patronize me, sir. I invented physics. The day the apple fell on my head was the most momentous day in the history of science.

Hawking: Not the apple story again!

Data: That story is generally considered apocryphal.

Newton: What? How dare you!

Einstein: Perhaps we should get on to the game? Now, where were we? Yes, you raised Mr. Data four. Which means that the bet is seven to me?

Newton: The bet is ten! Can't you do simple arithmetic? I don't know why I'm here in the first place. What is the point of this ridiculous game?

Data: When I play poker with my shipmates, it is often a useful forum for exploring the different facets of humanity. I was curious to see how three of history's greatest minds would interact in the setting. So far, it has proved to be most illuminating.

Einstein: And profitable! (奸笑...)

Data: Can we get this over with, please?

Newton: It's your bet.

Hawking: I raise 50.

Newton: Blast! I fold.

Data: I fold as well.

Einstein: The uncertainty principle will not help you now, Stephen. All the quantum fluctuations in the universe will not change your cards in your hand. I call. You are bluffing, and you will lose.

Hawking: Wrong again, Albert.

Einstein: Well...

(Broadcasting) Red alert. All personnel to duty stations.

Data: We will have to continue this another time. End program.